The Science Committee for Ducks9 is pleased to announce that Dr. John M. Eadie will deliver the inaugural Al Afton Plenary Lecture at the 9th meeting in Portland. John is a professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology at the University of California, Davis where he holds the Dennis G. Raveling Chair in Waterfowl Biology. He received his B.Sc. from the University of Western Ontario, M.S. from Queen’s University, and Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia. His program focuses on the ecology and management of waterfowl and wetlands. He and his students have studied the behavioral and population ecology of mallards, wood ducks, Barrow’s and common goldeneye, Steller’s eider, Canada geese, trumpeter swans, Orinoco geese and black-headed ducks at study sites ranging from Alaska to Argentina. His current research focuses on evaluating habitat productivity and carrying capacity for waterfowl in agricultural and managed wetland habitats, determining the factors influencing the demography of mallards and wood ducks in California, and linking population and ecological concepts to wildlife management and conservation. He has served on numerous North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP) committees, including the Adaptive Harvest Management Joint Task Force, NAWMP Assessment Steering Committee, NAWMP Writing Team 2012 Revision, National Science and Support Team, Update Steering Committee of the NAWMP, and the Steering Committee of the North American Waterfowl Management Professional Education Plan. He has been a member of the Waterfowl Technical Team/Working Group of the Central Valley Joint Venture since 1995.